Wednesday, November 2, 2016

field post 3

I enjoyed my experience at Cleveland Heights High School. High School is the area that I would like to teach when I grow up. It was good for me to be in a classroom observing a high school teacher. The class that Carmen and I were in was sign language. That was actually a fun class to observe. It was a very different classroom to be in. At first, it was difficult to observe the class because no one was talking. It was all sign language. But, then I realized that it is just like observing any type of language classroom. Heights offers sign language as a language that can be taken. I have thought about being a language teacher myself. However, the language that I would teach would be Latin, although I am still not sure on that. I watched the teacher run and keep order in the classroom. The teacher seemed like he was friends with his students. They all got along and were able to have mature conversations. That is a big reason that I would like to teach high school, the kids are mature.

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